Finding Love and Test of Silence

Finding Love in The Test of Silence

Many years ago when I was working in Montreal, a young engineer came into my office and asked my advice for his situation. I was married and had two grade school children then. He had been dating his girlfriend for over a year, but he was not sure if getting married with her was the best option for him. He could not decide what to do even though it appeared that she was willing to marry him.

After a brief moment, I gave him the following suggestion.

“When you two are alone without anyone around you, like in front of your house in a chair or on a bench in a quiet park, that is the perfect setting. You have nothing to speak to her, and she has nothing to speak to you. However, if you feel that you have to speak something to her as the silence between the two of you makes you feel uncomfortable, or, if you become busy wondering about what she is thinking about you right now, and you cannot maintain your silence for even 10 minutes, then she is not for you to marry.”

“If you can keep silent without a word, without anxiety, without speculation or worry, then this is the sign that you can marry her.”

“Awkward silence makes you tired while natural (and trusted) silence makes you energized. The conditions for you to find your love are many and this is not the only one. However, no matter how brilliant she is and even if all other conditions are met for you, this silence test is by far the most crucial. I know by experience that my wife is with me at home and we are both talkative, but our silence is 10 or more times longer than our conversation. Ignoring silence means ignoring your entire life.”

Later on, he got married with this girlfriend. I do not know what happened to them since then. I left Montreal soon after.

When I go near someone, visual and verbal exchanges are made mutually. The factor people often miss is the “vibe” from the person. Vibes are powerful silent intuitive messages.   I suggest that starting today, you to begin and pay more attention to such signals.

Apply the test of silence.  You will begin to identify powerful signals that your vibes are sending you.